
 ‘ THE VALLEY OF FEAR ’ Arthur Conan Doyle . A Sherlock Holmes novel . CL-016



Arthur Conan Doyle

A Sherlock Holmes novel


Presented in LARGE SIZE FONTS ! , which ensures comfortable reading !

Pages: 215

Paper back . Unabridged

Size : 23.6 x 16 cms.

Delivery :7 to 14 working days ( Delivery inside India only)


The Valley of Fear is the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Plot : Sherlock Holmes receives a cipher message from Fred Porlock, a pseudonymous agent of Professor Moriarty . From time to time, Porlock sends Sherlock inside information about Moriarty’s endeavors. Despite the fact that the law sees Moriarty as innocent, Sherlock firmly believes him to be the puppet master of a criminal underworld. Sherlock enlists the help of his friend, Dr. Watson, to decode Porlock’s message; from it, they learn that the life of John Douglas, who resides at Birlstone, is in danger.


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