
CL-707. Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox -David Cory


Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox

David Cory


Presented in LARGE SIZE FONTS ! , which ensures comfortable reading !


Paper back edition

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Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox

Excerpt :

One morning as Little Jack Rabbit looked out of his house in the Old Bramble Patch, whom should he see but Danny Fox peeking out from behind the Big Chestnut Tree.

Now Little Jack Rabbit knew that Danny Fox was not there for any good purpose. No, sir. Whenever Danny Fox was around there was sure to be trouble. So Little Jack Rabbit hopped back into his burrow to tell Mrs. Rabbit.

“Well, you keep a lookout from the front door,” she said, “and I’ll stand watch at the kitchen door. If Danny Fox thinks he’s going to get the better of the rabbit family he’s very much mistaken,” and Mrs. John Rabbit gave her head a jerk and her pink nose a million twinkles.

“Oh, how I hate that dreadful Danny Fox! I wish your father hadn’t gone out so early this morning.”

Little Jack Rabbit hopped back to the front door and looked over to the Shady Forest. But, oh, dear me! Just then up jumped Danny Fox right in front of him.



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