
661. Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Playing Circus – Laura Lee Hope


Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Playing Circus

Laura Lee Hope


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Paper back edition

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Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Playing Circus

Excerpt :


“Grandpa, where are you going now?” asked Bunny Brown.

“And what are you going to do?” asked Bunny Brown’s sister Sue.

Grandpa Brown, who was walking down the path at the side of the farmhouse, with a basket on his arm, stood and looked at the two children. He smiled at them, and Bunny and Sue smiled back, for they liked Grandpa Brown very much, and he just loved them.

“Are you going after the eggs?” asked Sue.

“That basket is too big for eggs,” Bunny observed.

“It wouldn’t be—not for great, great, big eggs,” the little girl said. “Would it, Grandpa?”

“No, Sue. I guess if I were going out to gather ostrich eggs I wouldn’t get many of them in this basket. But I’m not going after eggs. Not this time, anyhow.”

“Where are you going?” asked Bunny once more.

“What’s a—a ockstritch?” asked Sue, for that was as near as she could say the funny word.

“An ostrich,” answered Grandpa Brown, “is a big bird, much bigger than the biggest Thanksgiving turkey. It has long legs, and fine feathers, and ladies wear them on their hats. I mean they wear the ostrich feathers, not the bird’s legs.”

“And do ockstritches lay big eggs?” Sue wanted to know.

“They do,” answered Grandpa Brown. “They lay eggs in the hot sand of the desert, and they are big eggs. I guess I couldn’t get more than six of them in this basket.”

“Oh-o-o-o!” exclaimed Bunny and Sue together, with their eyes wide open.

“What big eggs they must be!” went on Bunny.

“And is you going to get hens’ eggs or ockstritches’ eggs now, Grandpa?” asked Sue.

“Neither one, little brown-eyes, I’m going out in the orchard to pick a few peaches. Grandma wants to make a peach shortcake for supper. So I have to get the peaches.”

“Oh, may we come?” asked Sue, dropping the doll with which she had been playing.

“I’ll help you pick the peaches,” offered Bunny, and he put down some sticks, a hammer and nails. He was trying to make a house for Splash, the big dog, but it was harder work than Bunny had thought. He was glad to stop.



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