
CL-705. Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk – David Cory


Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk 

David Cory


Presented in LARGE SIZE FONTS ! , which ensures comfortable reading !

Paper back edition

Delivery : 7 to 14 working days (Delivery inside India only)


Excerpt :

One day as Little Jack Rabbit was hopping home to the Old Bramble Patch, he came across something sweet. And what do you suppose it was? Why, a big tin pail half full of lollypop juice, standing under a little spout that was driven into a yellow lollypop tree.

“My, but it tastes good,” he said, holding his mouth under the spout to let the sap drip onto his little red tongue. “I wish I had some buckwheat cakes with me.”

But he didn’t, so he took a little glass bottle out of his knapsack and filled it with the sweet juice.

But, oh dear me! Just then he heard a deep growl.

“Oh dear and oh dear!” cried Little Jack Rabbit, giving a hop to one side to hide behind an old stump.


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