
Hidden in Plain Sight (William Warwick Series . Book 2 ) . Jeffrey archer . UB5031


Hidden in Plain Sight

(William Warwick Series . Book 2 )

Jeffrey archer

Jeffrey archerA bestselling British author and a former politician, Jeffrey Archer writes ‘edge-of-your-seat thriller and drama books.


Used book , but looks almost new , no damage.

Pages: 304

Paper back edition

Delivery : 7 to 14 working days (Delivery inside India only)


Hidden in Plain Sight

(William Warwick Series . Book 2 )

Hidden in Plain Sight is the second in the William Warwick series by Jeffrey Archer. When Detective Sergeant William Warwick is reassigned to the drug squad his first case is to investigate notorious drug lord the Viper. As William and the team get closer to bringing the Viper down, Wiliam is faced with Miles Faulkner, an enemy from his past. Can William bring both men to justice?




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